Parents Email
Stay informed, stay connected—empowering parents with the information they need to actively support their child's education and rights.
Schools Email supports parents, students, teachers, and school administrators by providing a reliable communication system that puts parents first. It’s designed to ensure you’re connected to the critical updates and communications that impact your child’s education and rights.
Schools Email is a secure, easy-to-use platform for receiving direct communications from other parents to build a well-informed and engaged community. It's designed to keep parents informed and involved, enhancing your rights to know what’s happening in your child’s education.
Stay connected anytime, whether you’re checking updates at the beginning of the school year, tracking mid-term progress, or receiving end-of-term reports. Schools Email aspires to build a school-parent community that keeps you in the loop throughout the year so you can stay actively engaged in your child’s education.
Schools Email is accessible across school districts in the United States, providing community-specific tools that connect parents with their child’s school, no matter where they are.
Parental rights in education are crucial. Schools Email ensures parents have the tools and access they need to stay informed, protecting your right to be an active participant in your child’s education. This platform values transparency and communication between families and schools.
Signing up for Schools Email is easy. Just email us to contact you, link to your child’s school, and gain instant access to updates. With a few steps, you’ll be on your way to a transparent, informative connection with your child’s education. Remember to share this information with other parents at your child's school.